Michelin expert shares why it is important to understand your capabilities ahead of digital adoption initiatives

Romina Guevara, chief digital officer – Central America at Michelin, offers her advice for digital adoption initiatives and shares her predictions for the future

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Adam Jeffs
Adam Jeffs

digital adoption expert offers implementation advice

PEX Network caught up with Romina Guevara, chief digital officer – Central America at Michelin, to discuss her experience with digital adoption and the success she has achieved in the past.

Ahead of her session at PEX Live: Digital Adoption 2022 taking place on 08–09 November 2022, Guevera shares her predictions for the future of digital adoption and gives her advice for businesses looking to implement it.

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PEX Network: Can you tell us more about your experience with digital adoption and share success stories?

Romina Guevara: My experience with operational excellence started 15 years ago when I worked in a consulting firm. I had the chance to move into the digital world afterward where I have led many transformation initiatives, first in the financial services industry and now on the manufacturing side.

I am currently working on an initiative at Michelin which has seen the automation team deliver more than 6,000 hours of efficiency in less than a year.

Related content: Three real-life examples of digital adoption initiatives

Other important actions that have helped us in our journey are the implementation of the Agile framework which has improved cross-department cooperation and activities focused on developing a data culture.

PEX Network: What is your advice for organizations looking to drive digital adoption?

RG: Before beginning their own journey, they must have a clear idea of where they are going, the expected result and what a successful outcome would look like for them.

They also need to define their priorities beforehand, assess their capabilities and identify actions or adoptions that may lead to quick wins.

PEX Network: How do you predict the progression of digital adoption in the next few years?

RG: The biggest trends I am seeing are those related to the automation of manual or simple tasks that despite their simplicity have a great impact in the organization. The use of artificial intelligence to improve customer experience and reduce workload is also gaining importance.

Another trend is the growing importance of data. Companies are making huge investments in improving their data analytics capabilities and getting the most out of it by using it as an asset.

PEX Network: What do you hope viewers will take away from your session at PEX Live: Digital Adoption 2022?

RG: A successful digital transformation process depends on employee buy-in. If employees have trouble understanding new technology or if they do not have the right skills to adopt it, the most important pillar supporting this transformation falls away.

During my session I will share some of Michelin´s best practices to transform how employees embrace new technology and how to help them acquire new skills.

For more insights on digital adoption and its applications register for PEX Live: Digital Adoption 2022.

Has your business prepared a roadmap for digital adoption? Let us know how in the comments below.