Pushing the Boundaries at PEX Network's European Conference

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PEX Network's OpEX and Process Transformation Week got underway today with a bang. A “Big Bang,” that is. We took some of Europe’s most senior process practitioners on a journey into outer space as they gathered in London to push into new frontiers for process excellence when the conference opened with our new video “Process Frontiers."

The video looks at how humans are innately driven to push to come up with a new “art of the possible.” Back on earth the parallel is how the nature of business is changing as new technology smashes through old business models and how process professionals need to push the boundaries of the possible themselves by incorporating new technologies and new ways of working into processes.  

Watch the video here:

We’ve also been streaming LIVE highlights from the event, with two panel discussions featured this morning “Translating strategy into OpEx and transformation reality” and “Your 5 Most Important Questions About Digital Transformation” featuring insights from The Coca-Cola Company, Deutsche Post, Barclaycard, Ernst & Young and Bizagi. Interested in watching some of the highlights live? Check out the streaming schedule here for more information.
