PEX Network's 2013 Deployment Leader of the Year on being a "process evangelist"

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In this Process Perspectives podcast Rod Hill, Master Black Belt at JEA Utilities, a Florida-based public utilities company and winner of PEX Network’s 2013 Deployment Leader of the Year, joins the program to talk about getting started with process excellence at JEA, how he was able to convince senior leadership of the importance of process excellence and what it means to be a "process evangelist."


Questions addressed in this podcast:

  • You’ve been at JEA since the process excellence program was launched in 2000 – what were those early days of getting the program started like?
  • What role do you think the process excellence leader has in shaping the program?
  • Creating a culture of process improvement seems to be a common challenge that practitioners face. You say that one of the big things that has changed at your company is that "JEA has matured from the culture that accepted ‘that’s how we’ve always done it’ to a culture that expects and embraces improvements". What did it take to overcome this "not invented here" type of mentality?
  • I understand that your senior leadership team is actively involved in setting the direction for continuous improvement. How does that work?
  • What are the things about leadership that you wish you’d known in the early days of your deployment?
  • Finally, you won PEX Network’s Deployment Leader of the Year award announced in January – what has winning that award meant for you?