OPEX Live 2018: Day Three
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Sue Unerman, CTO at MediaCom, talks about leadership, culture and change to PEX Editor, Ian Hawkins.
The introduction is available as a standalone here.
Solving the 5 Pervasive Team Challenges
Eric Dombach describes himself as a Veteran business coach with over 100 small to mid-sized companies coached, 1500 business coaches trained on 4 continents, and too many air miles logged.
In this inspiring webcast, Eric looks at ways to solve five pevasive team challenges:
1 teams of top perfomers under-perform their targets
2 high potentials remain under-developed or under-utilised
3 change initiatives are stalled or sabotaged
4 newly formed teams and leaders fail to become productive
5 contentious team members cerate a toxic team culture
As Eric said, 'We use analytics and coaching to eliminate counter productive team behaviours to allow you to have fun, hit goals and earn bonuses.' Quite a promise, but the analytics pushes Eric's offer from the realms of management jargon to real-world solutions.
In a world that's looking at technology and robots to solve work related problems, it's essential that we don't take our eyes off the ball when it comes to leadership and culture. 'Behaviours are a choice and they can be changed,' said Eric. 'Personality types are more hard wired.'
Some of the data is gathered from over 100,000 leaders over the years.
Eric used a candidate's personality scores as a test to find out whether the attendees would hire them as a CMO - and got a 100% 'no' response.
Eric looked at this in a bit more detail, polling the audinece: how many of your recruitment decisions are based on benchmarks?
50% said none
37% some
12% said most
According to research, Eric told us, if you use benchmarks you can get a competitive advantage. 'Bring scientific precision to your selection process. That will help you solve problem #1.'
Throught the rest of the webinar, Eric took us on a journey of solid business cases from Google to the military, and used simple questions to expose huge opportunities for any team leader to build amazing teams that reach their potential.
Here's the 5 Challenges video course.
This Webinar is available to watch back on demand.