Buzz from PEX Week USA - "Next Generation Excellence"
Add bookmarkPEX Week USA, the flagship North American event of the Process Excellence Network, got underway on Monday under the refrain of "Next Generation Process Excellence" as over 500 process professionals descended on the Orlando-based event.
Key presentations during the Monday plenary session included Brad Power, process consultant and well-known blogger for Harvard Business Review, presenting on the need to move from continuous improvement to continuous innovation as companies contend with shorter product life cycles and more disruptive change to their industries. He argued that continuous improvement - which he likened to "tuning the performance engine" - could be a little bit like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic if the overall business model is sinking while disruptive new start ups win business. Instead, he proposed that companies today needed to build in a way of sensing and responding to those changes and create the right environment and funding to support innovation.
David Millen, VP of Smarter Process at IBM, explored how companies are reinventing their business operations to become more customer centric the impact that the new, disruptive technology - mobile, Big Data, social, and cloud - is having to make that new focus a reality.
Diana Davis, Senior Editor for shared some of the network's latest State of the Industry research, which highlighted the gap between how executives view process excellence and how process professionals define their work, suggesting the importance of really understanding what matters to your audience.
Finally, Sridhar Kirshnan, Vice President at Catalent Pharma Solutions, discussed how you can create a mindset of continuous imporvement and speed to enable customer growth. In his presentation, he really emphasized the importance of changing the organizational culture. You need to embed a continuous improvement mindset into your people stating that "culture eats strategy for lunch."
Stay tuned for Tuesday when the conference really gets into full swing with presentations from Don Linsemann, VP Business Process Excellence and Corporate Six Sigma Champion at DuPont, Pegasystem's Bruce William and Setrag Khoshiafian will talk about their new concept of the "process of everything", Leslie Benhke, VP Process Improvement and Service Quality at TD Canada Trust willl be sharing her company's journey towards end to end process management, along with many other insightful and inspiring presentations.
In the meantime, you can also check out the video that opened PEX Week USA this year - Next Generation Excellence.
And don't forget....PEX Network will be continuing twitter coverage live from the conference until . Follow the discussion or join in on #pexweek.