Maximizing HR Effectiveness and Value Added Through an Integrated Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma, Lean and TOC Integration
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Implementing an integrated HR strategy within your organization will help maximize the delivery of specific and measured added value to the business, assure effectiveness and increase productivity.
Creating the HR Strategy
At ITR, in order to create the capabilities that can deliver the business proposition of state of the art Aerospace experience and knowledge; on-time delivery; predictable and competitive budget and lead time; adaptability to customer’s needs and problem solving, a very distinct and unique culture must be built.
We are developing a culture where every employee can understand the business, is engaged, customer oriented, capable, resourceful, a team player, flexible, predictable and adaptable, create value, execute flawlessly and feels comfortable with uncertainty.
The Pillars of HR Strategy
To develop and support employees and the organizational culture, ITR designed an HR Strategy supported by pillars: (Click on diagram to enlarge.)
- Focus
- (Value Stream) Flow
- Maturity
- Execution
- Continuous Improvement
Focus: Implementing the Balance Scorecard
We use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a fundamental tool to keep ITR focused; it consists of a methodology that turns the strategy of the organization into operative terms, this enables the process to emerge. Monthly meetings are conducted in a fashion in which results are evaluated within the different areas that integrate the company.
The Balanced Scorecard—along with a strategic map that describes and links all the initiatives in the business, including HR objectives and plans—is managed and deployed by the HR unit. We also use the Experience Co-creation Methodology to ensure that we have understood and prioritized our customers’ requirements, with accuracy.
The main HR objectives managed by the HR Score card are: (Click on diagram to enlarge.)
- Attract, Manage, Develop and Retain Talent
- Create an Engaged, Customer Oriented, Capable, Resourceful, Team Player, Flexible, Predictable and Adaptable culture.
- Create and Manage Knowledge
Value Stream (Flow): Linking HR Objectives to Business Initiatives
In order to achieve the HR objectives and to link and synergize our initiatives, we have designed a value stream (flow) that allows ITR to:
- Attract Talent
- Performance Management
- Train and Develop
- Redeploy (Promote)
Based on Lean principles this flow is pulled by our customer´s needs. We used the Value Stream Mapping Tool in order to maximizing the capabilities of our HR Value Stream. (Click on diagram to enlarge.)
Maturity: Evaluating HR Process Maturity
All processes have different maturity levels. The People Capability Maturity Model described by Bill Curtis, William Hefley and Sally Miller described five levels:
- Initial
- Managed
- Defined
- Predictable
- Optimizing
To evaluate each HR process maturity level correctly, it’s fundamental to evolve this process and achieve organizational capability.
As an example when the ITR´s HR team started our evolution six years ago, the status of some of our HR process and their maturity targets were:
- (Attract Talent) Staffing: Status-Manage Level, Target- Defined Level
- (Manage and Retain) Compensations: Status Predictability Level, Target-Optimizing Level
- (Redeploy) HR planning: Status-Defined Level, Target-Predictability Level
Execution: Roadmap to an Added Valued HR Strategy
ITR defines an HR Roadmap in order to have a path that clearly communicates what steps we have to follow in order to implement an Added Valued HR strategy.
This path contemplates: (Click on diagram to enlarge.)
- Customer need
- Value Stream design and analysis
- HR Team Training
- HR Process Maturity
- Pull System
- Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement: Analyzing and Evaluating HR Processes
In order to have a positive evolution in our capabilities, ITR´s HR processes are constantly evaluated and improved in the light of their maturity, efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility and predictability.
TOYOTA A1 system is used to coordinate and prioritize this continuous improvement process. This system allows us to consider the information in one page as follows: (Click on diagram to enlarge.)
- Current Situation: Maturity Level
- Goal
- Analysis
- Plan
- Follow-up
ITR uses this A1 methodology in all of its HR processes and we have identified that there is a deep correlation between the maturity level and the needed methodology to achieve the goal, different maturity levels, require different methodology approaches.
For example:
- To evolve staffing process that has a maturity level of "Manage" and the goal is to achieve the "Defined level," we use TOC Thinking Processes Tools
- To evolve Compensations process thats level is "Predictable" and the goal is "Optimizing" level, we use Six Sigma Tools
(Click on diagram to enlarge.)
Direct Results from the Implementation of an HR Strategy:
As a result of this HR strategy we can achieve: (Click on diagram to enlarge.)
- 60 percent of reduction in or Staffing time process
- 40 percent reduction of HR operational costs
- Reduce attrition from 13 percent to 1.7 percent
- Being the best evaluated area in ITR aerospace scoring 9.8 of 10 possible points.
- Awarded with the national best practices (2006) and the national HR innovation (2007)
Linking HR Strategy with Customer Needs
HR can be an area that can make a definitive and a measurable contribution to the business. To achieve this we have to clearly understand our customer´s needs and put in place a process which can satisfy these needs in a flexible, efficient, predictable a profitable way. There is a very large toolbox with different methodologies that we can use, the only challenge is to synergize these methodologies, and give them a clear purpose.