Strategic Six Sigma for Champions: Keys to Sustainable Competitive Advantage

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R. Eric Reidenbach and Reginald W. Goeke

2006, ASQ Press

Recent advances in the measurement and management of customer value now make it a powerful tool for identifying and prioritizing Six Sigma projects. No longer do Champions or Black Belts have to rely solely on costs to justify the selection of Six Sigma projects. Now the real power and potential of Six Sigma can be turned to its strategic purpose–to create and sustain value differences that will translate into greater market share and enhanced profitability.

This book has two objectives. The first is to provide the reader with an approach for using the voice of the customer to identify Six Sigma projects and to guide their conduct. The second objective is to show the reader how to obtain the correct voice of the customer–customer value.

Customer value is not new. What is new is our ability to measure it. And with this newly discovered ability to measure customer value comes an opportunity to inform Six Sigma projects and initiatives to make them more responsive to customer needs and more responsive to the organization’s bottom line. Let the voice be heard!