Making Knowledge Workers More Productive: Insights from the Works of Peter F. Drucker
Add bookmarkCompanies have a vested interest in increasing the productivity of their workforce. Increased productivity means the ability to do more without increasing headcounts. But it means something more––much more. Knowledge workers put knowledge to work.
Knowledge workers can be doctors, robotic repair people, sales managers, maintenance managers, quality specialists, market researchers, graphic artists and the like. The list is virtually endless given the composition of today's knowledge-based workforce.
Peter F. Drucker taught us much about managing knowledge work. He provided us with a framework for being able to think through thoughtfully and thoroughly what must be done and how to do it.
In this PEX Network article compilation, colleagues, and students of Peter F. Drucker, share their thoughts on what the "master of management" thought about the keys to making knowledge workers more productive.