The Importance of Building a Broad Base of Support for Process Improvement Initiatives
Add bookmarkWhat's the best way to handle the loss of a key project sponsor? Prepare for it well before it happens by demonstrating value to the business and avoid the language of process improvement and tools, says Eric Michrowski, Director, Process Improvement Centre of Excellence at TELUS.
In this PEX Network video interview, Eric describes the Canadian telecommunications giant's continuous improvement journey, the impact the program has had on the company, and offers advice on what to do when you lose a key sponsor along the way - something he experienced first hand.
Eric won PEX Network’s Deployment Leader of the Year Award Winner 2012, announced earlier this year at PEX Week Orlando. The award recognizes an outstanding deployment leader who has lead a company-wide improvement strategy (Lean, Six Sigma or BPM) and can demonstrate vision, strategic leadership and influence at a company-wide level.
You can hear more Eric next month as he presents a webinar on August 9th - Using Social Media in Continuous Improvement. Sign up for the webinar now. Register here: sign up