Primordial leadership series focuses on insights from neuroscience and sociobiology
Add bookmarkThe Primordial Leadership Series is an 8- part series on leadership to be published on over the course of the next couple of months. It is based on excerpts from a forthcoming book authored by Lawrence Duckworth, who has himself held leadership roles ranging from Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer through to Chief Financial Officer.
Mr. Duckworth has also been a well received presenter at PEX Network conferences on leadership, change management and achieving a learning organization.
The series will look at how understanding the primal (primitive and subconscious) drives that powerfully, silently and consistently motivate human behavior can help you achieve exceptional results through a new level of leadership skill. The series will also offer examples of how concepts from Neuroscience and Sociobiology apply to business, and provide practical tools and processes that you can use directly in your own leadership approaches.
The series will be published throughout 2013 on and is broken down into the following areas:
Excerpt 1: Introduction
Excerpt 2: A Brief Summary History of Western Leadership Thought In The Last 100 Years
Excerpt 3: Brain Functions for Leadership Use
Excerpt 4: Primal Drives Summary
Excerpt 5: "You Can’t Manage Others Until You Manage Yourself First"
Excerpt 6: "Results Animal" Primordial Leadership
Excerpt 7: Primordial Leadership Focuses, Processes and Tools
Excerpt 8: Managing Change – to be released 12 August 2013
Feel free to download and save the excerpts, and to share them on Facebook and Twitter. A free webinar will be held on some of the topics discussed in this series in August 2013. Register at
The full Primordial Leadership book, which will be published in mid-2013, goes well beyond the concepts presented in these excerpts, with additional chapters and Appendices. Contact Larry Duckworth at to reserve an autographed copy.