Forrester BPM Perspectives Posts

All too often CIOs and other business process leaders focus on getting the business process right and explaining business process methodologies to others. But have they forgotten that process is a means to an end?
[inlinead] What will business processes look like in 2020? asks columnist Connie Moore of Forrester Research. Hint: it's big. The five tenets of big process thinking firms will need to be thinking about. I’ve bee...
What? You Want Me To Go First?
Published: 2011-12-15
There's a lot of reasons that you might want to avoid being the first company or department to change, says contributor Connie Moore. Afterall, "pioneers get an arrow in their backs." But here's why you should consider going first. ...
Change management from the people perspective is too often a forgotten component of business process transformation. Organizations focus on getting the new processes right and putting technology components in place — but helping people who...
You may have heard the term "business architect" in your travels; if you haven’t, you soon will. This summer, I have watched, and sometimes been involved in, several emotional debates among enterprise and information architects, business a...
Business process pros need to embrace "big process thinking," writes Forrester analyst Clay Richardson. Four predictions on what this would look like. Earlier this year, I was invited to participate in an internal debate across...
Organizations often fail to realize the impact of change on the employees it will affect, and do not plan and execute carefully enough to address the people issues through all phases of business process change management, says Forrester Anay...