Dealing with complexity through scenario planning

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Today's transnational companies are beset by fast-changing technologies, increasing competition, and turbulence in the economy. Is there a way that organizations can better anticipate and respond to these global complexities?

In this Process Perspectives podcast, Thomas Chermack, Associate Professor of Organization Learning, Performance and Change at Colorado State University and Director of the Scenario Planning Institute, discusses how businesses can use something called scenario planning to better deal with uncertainty and risk.

Questions discussed in this podcast:

  • What impact is growing complexity having on organizations today?
  • You think that something called scenario planning can help. What exactly is scenario planning?
  • How is that different from, say, traditional strategic planning?
  • How can it help businesses tackle uncertainty?
  • How does it work?
  • You’re going to be presenting a workshop on this at our upcoming Strategic Performance and Change Management summit taking place in Atlanta, Georgia this March – what more can attendees expect to learn?
  • What are you looking forward to about the event?
