

PEX Podcast: Improving an American classic?

"We are tasked with driving efficiencies in the organization in whatever way, shape or form we can do that, be it process, technology and people." – Brandon Halpert, Campbell's Soup Co.

The PEX Network Podcast hits episode 50 this week!

For this special landmark episode, we bring you insight from one of the best recognised brands to ever emerge from the United States. 

Brandon Halpert, Director Operations & Continuous Improvement at Campbell's Soup Co., talks to our host, Seth Adler, about his career trajectory and how he is helping to guide a classic company towards a new era of responsive customer service and (Mmm Mmm) good process...

Listen in:

Key Quotes

"What the business cares about is that their work gets done, gets done right, gets done fast, and it's easy. They don't want the pain that often accompanies processes, or can accompany processes. So we use a satisfaction score as a high level indicator. Anybody who sends a fail rating gets a call. There's a discussion to understand. And from those learnings, we drive process change. So we take it seriously, but it's really with the focus of how do we get the business what it needs in the fastest and cheapest way possible."

"With a chatbot, it's just going to give you the answer you want. Ideally, it takes seconds. Think about that. IEveryone uses Amazon as an example. Amazon's just easy, right? It's so easy to buy something that it's putting all their competitors out of business just because it's so easy. Ease of shop - that's the way we would love it to be!"

"The willingness of people to always look for new things and be positive about it always surprises me. You come in with something new, maybe even something some people see as threatening, but people are always willing to give it a shot and try new things. I think that's cool."

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