

[OPEX in Oil & Gas] Rapid OPEX by Technology-Assisted Governance

This presentation by Dr. Mark Hodgkinson, Head of Operational Excellence at Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO), focuses on Rapid Operational Excellence by technology-assisted governance.
Bapco Refinery affiliated under the Chevron Technical Services (TSA) agreement, have had remarkable success with limited resources, in accelerating the adoption of Operational Excellence (OE) by implementing a visual conformance management system within a formal Operational Governance process. Experience over the last 2-3 years has shown that OE performance is delivered rapidly by first focusing on conformance to gain control and then on positive reinforcement to achieve sustainable performance.
This solution builds upon the traditional visualisation of process diagrams, lab results, maintenance and other data sources line workers need for the ‘here-and-now’ work, to also weave conformance and performance information into this ‘real-time world’ so that they become one workspace. Significant improvements in conformance (in some cases >300% improvements) and then also process improvements spawned from leading KPI measurements has achieved tangible business benefits with respect to incident reduction and therefore profitability.
Key Takeaways in this presentation include:
  • The adoption of Operational Excellence can be accelerated by using visualisations of compliance and systematic governance
  • The technology already exist and can be easily leveraged
  • Operational Governance needs to be efficient if it seeks to be effective in the long-term
  • Industrial Operational Intelligence is key in the governance of a continuous process like Refining or oil & gas production
  • The approach has been proven to work on multiple sites with limited resources

To watch the full video, you can purchase it here

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