

Take Part in PEX Network's First Annual Process Excellence Jobs and Salaries Survey

How much does a Director of BPM with 7 years experience expect to earn in the United States? In which industries can you expect to make the most money in process excellence? How much more can people with 8 years experience in process excellence expect to earn than those with 5 years? Is there a gender pay gap for process excellence professionals?

Those are just some of the questions that what we’re hoping to answer with our first ever Jobs and Salary in Process Excellence survey.

We want to help you find out how much your peers in similar roles with similar experience are making. It should not only help you increase your bargaining power at work but, if you’re responsible for hiring new resources, it will help you determine how much you should be paying.

All we need from you is five minutes of your time to take this simple survey:

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Business Transformation Exchange USA Fall

September 30 - October 01, 2024
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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