

Can you help me with my research into problem solving? Brainstorming / C&E analysis / 5 why analysis is there a better way?????? All the research I have undertaken proposes using Brainstorming, Cause and Effect analysis and 5 why analysis as a p

Can you help me with my research into problem solving? Brainstorming / C&E analysis / 5 why analysis is there a better way?????? All the research I have undertaken proposes using Brainstorming, Cause and Effect analysis and 5 why analysis as a problem solving method - to me this method is time consuming as the users is often faced with the analysis of FOG - Facts Options Guesses. If a problem is defined as a deviation from a target, problem solving is required to understand why there is a deviation, then the need to brainstorm is unnecessary. I feel it is better to ask a series of fact finding questions. These I believe should be - What, Where, When, Who and How. The rational being as follows:- What - product or service has the problem? Where - in the process do you see the problem? Where - on the product / service do you see the problem? When - the time the problem was seen? Who - people involved? How - the deviation from target? How - does the system work? No Why as this leads to FOG Having asked these questions the Cause and Effect diagram can be used - the challenge is to have one cause - the root cause! If you find the Cause and Effect diagram is filling up then revisit your initial fact finding. Failure to answer the initial question will clearly mean further analysis and data collection is required. I have further info if required but hopefully you get the idea I would welcome any comments negative or positive. THANK YOU

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