Maxwell Smith

Senior Director of Product Marketing iGrafx

Max is a true technology enthusiast having spent over a decade building, designing, and bringing software products to market. Today he serves as a Senior Director of Product Marketing for iGrafx, connecting the dots for customers to ensure they get the most out of the software they use every day. Max has a passion for market research across different technology categories ranging from data quality and data management, to process mining, modeling, and simulation. He has a strong track record of growing companies by bringing well-received products and solutions to market.

Day One

11:30 AM Upleveling from process mining to true process intelligence

Process intelligence technology and strategies are imperative to deliver on organizational goals around improved productivity, reduced cost, and regulatory compliance. Process mining is a great technology to help kickstart a transformation journey by helping you to discover how your processes run today and what opportunities for improvement exist. However, to realize discovered value, organizations need to define what a future process would look like and close the gap between future and as-is states. Process intelligence technology delivers on this ambition. 

Key highlights:

  • Understand how process intelligence can help complete the end-to-end process improvement lifecycle.
  • Leverage a discover, design, optimize approach to continuously improve processes and scale ROI.
  • Get a deeper look into how process mining, modeling, and simulation can be integrated to prioritize and de-risk improvement initiatives.