Eric Tyree

Head of AI Blue Prism

Eric Tyree is the Head of AI at Blue Prism and is an expert in the commercial application of AI and advanced analytics with over 20 years’ experience in related product and technology leadership roles. Eric has led the development of a wide range of data driven products and services in portfolio management, pensions & insurance, algorithmic trading, hedge funds, retail banking, equity exchanges, travel, consumer analytics and HR. Eric is experienced in building and leading high performance organisations and has worked with a wide range of companies ranging from some of the largest corporate institutions in the world to start-ups developing from the ground up

Day One

10:00 AM Leveraging Intelligent Automation to Support your Core Business Strategy

Intelligent Automation is well past the early adopter stage and is now being used as an enabler of core corporate goals such as competitiveness, growth, resilience and customer service. In a series of mini case studies, this session will share how two banks, a bread maker and a car manufacturer all used intelligent automation in very strategic ways and how you can leverage automation as tool for achieving strategic goals.

  • Significantly improving market competitiveness
  • Overcoming major IT legacy issues and post M&A challenges to transform customer service
  • Responding to market pressures and overcome legacy issues quickly and at low cost
  •  Efficiently reallocating capital across the business in an ‘Opex shift’