Christian Berg

VP of Product Management

Christian Berg is VP of Product Management at As a pioneer in the process intelligence space, Christian previously envisioned and led the Process Understanding product line at UiPath. Prior to that, Christian worked at Microsoft where he conceptualized and implemented key AI capabilities for Microsoft’s Power BI product and also spent several years in management consulting, business controlling and software development. Christian holds a Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology from University of Sydney, and a Master of Business and Administration from London Business School.

Day Two

11:00 AM How a Leading Insurance Provider Built an End-to-end Process Map with AI

A leading insurance provider needed to develop an end-to-end view of their short term disability claims process, and identify data-driven opportunities to optimize that process. In this session, discover how process intelligence leveraging computer vision enabled this insurer to:

  • Develop a continuous, comprehensive view of their digital processes within weeks
  • Identify high potential automation opportunities, as well as opportunities for process redesign, employee training and the introduction of new digital tools
  • Quickly implement and evaluate the impact of these process interventions on process efficiency, customer satisfaction, and more