Mark Stoll

VP, Enterprise NA Conexiom

Day Two

12:00 PM How Rexel are Digitising Documents to Improve Customer Experience

In a world where customers feel further away than ever it can be increasingly difficult to assess the effectiveness of customer experience, especially at scale. With that being said, there are certain factors that underpin positive customer interactions such as responsiveness to queries and efficiency in acknowledgements of orders. Automation is helping to address this issue by enabling companies, like Rexel, to find the right balance of human and digital, re-engineering legacy processes to improve customer experience while producing greater efficiency through repurposing their employee resource to value added activities.

Join this session to learn:

-            How to super charge your growth and improve customer experience simultaneously

-            How digitalisation of document processing can improve employee motivation

-            How Rexel digitalised the most labor-intensive part of their business to see massive productivity gains