Rachel Taylor

Director of Finance and Operations EASY SOFTWARE (UK) Ltd

Rachel is EASY Software UK’s Director of Finance and Operations. She joined EASY over 15 years ago, having previously worked in the recruitment industry. Rachel is responsible for managing EASY UK’s accounting and financial control functions and strategies.

Day One

3:00 PM Elevator or Escalator - Choosing the Best Path to Fully Automated Business Processes for AP

Companies all over the world, even those that implemented digital process solutions many years ago, can only benefit by continually evaluating and re-evaluating their strategies to navigate their organizations through this unique business climate. Implementing an A/P automation solution is very rarely 'one-size-fits-all'. As the needs of your business evolve, organizations need to remain focused on scaling to meet these challenges.

Join EASY SOFTWARE as we discuss how our collaborative, customer-centric solution methodology enables greater visibility and insight into customer challenges and delivering A/P solutions that rebuff the 'one-size-fits-all' approach. We will discuss many specific customer examples and how flexibility in solution architecture and implementation will ultimately lead to the highest levels of successful utilization, regardless of how your organization choses to begin.