Tuesday 4th August, 2020 – Conference Day 1

9:00 am - 9:30 am Panel Discussion – The Business Case for Process Intelligence: Unlocking the Potential for Exponential Growth

Fernando Nunes - Senior Process Automation Architect, MAN Energy Solutions
Pierre-Frederic Barriere - Process Mining Director, GSK
Bill Jobes - CEO, Jobes Technology

·        The benefits for continuously improving processes, getting end-to-end operations visibility, better visualizing the customer journey, and reducing manual labour and cost

·        Support strategic decision making and aligning OPEX with organizational goals

·        Deliver value to stakeholders, customers and the workforce with greater intelligence 


Fernando Nunes

Senior Process Automation Architect
MAN Energy Solutions


Pierre-Frederic Barriere

Process Mining Director


Bill Jobes

Jobes Technology

10:00 am - 10:30 am Case Study – Process Intelligence 0-60: Getting up to Speed for the New World Workforce

Bill Jobes - CEO, Jobes Technology

·        How business is reacting to a prolonged pandemic

·        Delivering end-to-end process intelligence in time for tomorrow’s change

·        Leveraging Machine Learning to analyze process improvement before you implement


Bill Jobes

Jobes Technology

11:00 am - 11:30 am Case Study – Level-Up BPM & Data Analytics to Strategic Process Intelligence

Heymen Jansen - Group Vice President, Head of Advanced Process Analytics, ABB

·        Move from formalizing and improving business process with BPM, to understanding their efficiency and performance through process intelligence

·        Recognize the difference between data science and analytics and process intelligence

·        Level-up from analysing standardized repetitive processes to complex, agile and interweaved processes that can be continuously monitored and improved  


Heymen Jansen

Group Vice President, Head of Advanced Process Analytics

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Panel Discussion – De-Clouding COVID-19 Uncertainty and Disruption with Intelligent Business Surveillance

·        Using Process Intelligence when the landscape of daily operations is clouded, to make crucial strategic decisions with solid insights

·        Better prepare for the future with real time access to data on what has historically happened in your organization, is happening right now, and predictions of what is likely to happen

·        Manage workforce productivity and employee performance under new and unusual working conditions