PEX Live: BPM Business Process Management 2021

27 - 30 September, 2021 | Free Online Event

Bernd Ruecker

Co-Founder & Chief Technologist Camunda

Day Three

10:00 AM Accelerate Business Transformation by Applying Process Automation

The speed of business transformation is the most critical metric for companies in the digital age. Increasing velocity is well known in software engineering and a lot of learnings can be applied to BPM. At the same time low-code solutions try to eliminate software engineering from BPM. This talk introduces the process automation map to help navigate the solution. Discover some exemplary case studies on how various organisations automated their processes. Some successes include: 

  • Implemented backend integration within 48 hours
  • Executing more than 144M orders every year in below 300ms each
  • Increasing automation quota from 60% to 90% by adding an orchestration layer to RPA
  • Bringing new products to market 4x faster with process-automation-enabled agility