Welcoming our Incredible 2021 Speakers

Best practices for aligning business and technology to champion digital transformation

Digital transformation, enabled by cloud technology, continues to change the ways organisations across all sectors operate and deliver their core services. Understanding of how these transformations will impact the business and operating models lies firmly with Enterprise Architecture teams
Now more than ever, EA teams must strengthen their approach to the critical task of bridging the gap between technological implementations and the overall business strategy to increase the capability, strength, and profitability of organisations of all shapes and sizes.

Join us for this two-day conference, which will feature a series of keynote presentations, case studies, and panel discussions offering in-depth analysis and strategic insight into how architecture teams, transformation professionals, and business leaders can work harmoniously and adaptively in planning the transformation and agility necessary to succeed in the post pandemic world.

Who has joined us in previous years?

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Benefits of Attending Enterprise Architecture Conference:  


Join your peers as we welcome professionals from Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, Solution & Application Architecture, Data & Cloud Architecture, Business Transformation, Business Process Management, and many more. 


Aligning business and technology strategies to create value across the entire organisation


Understanding the key enterprise architecture strategies necessary for driving business transformation


Understanding the increasing importance of data governance within the multi-cloud environment and what this means for enterprise architecture


Redesigning your EA teams using composability to build adaptable and resilient organisations